A training programme within Defontaine SAS

Defontaine SAS is developing a training plan for turners to improve their practical and theoretical skills. This internal training project meets several objectives:
- Provide our operators with coherent and quality training;
- Enhance the strengths, knowledge and skills of our tutors;
- Answer mobility needs;
- Develop the value of internal training at Defontaine SAS.
“We took turning, the flagship and most developed profession within the Defontaine Group, as our starting point. A group of tutors is therefore asked to give their opinion and create certain training and assessment modules“, explains Alban Le Gouvello, Production Manager in the Rollix Bearings for Industry department.
Stéphane Combaud, HR Director of the Defontaine Group adds: “The programme enables us to enhance our practical training and to improve our skills. We follow a step-by-step approach in a collaborative working mode between the workshop managers, tutors and human resources. In this way, we want to ensure that the training courses are taken on board and guarantee their continuity.”
21 February 2023