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Wide range of job and career opportunities

Working and growing together

The Defontaine Group proposes programmes for its 1,500 employees to develop their skills along with successful business growth. Our group offers a wide range of career options and expertise while investing to meet the challenges of sustainable development, in the future of digitalisation and ethics with our compliance policy.

For many years, our group has promoted the value of “working together”. Teamwork, trust, cohesion and knowledge sharing are part of the group’s policy to ensure the continuous transmission of knowledge.

In-house training programs to boost the careers of our employees

Knowledge sharing along with the internal training courses provided by the Defontaine Group involve a true transfer of knowledge starting with “internal mobility”. We train our employees on our industrial activities and our safety requirements throughout their professional career. We also provide training courses on technological developments and management, geared towards modern industry. These training courses represent a major career boost for our employees, together with the development of multidisciplinary skills and versatility.

un homme en polo bleu travaille une pièce defontaine

Work-study programs and internships: springboards for learning at any age

Based on our ambitious policy, providing support to young employees wishing to learn our business, we offer work-study contracts and a variety of internships (ranging from 3 days to 6 months). Opportunities are available at all educational levels, from vocational baccalaureate (machining, maintenance operator) to higher education (Advanced vocational training certificate (BTS)/Master’s degree, engineer, etc.) and at all stages of their professional career.

Discover our portraits of apprentices on our Youtube channel.

The Defontaine Group is aware of its social responsibility and has been working with public organisations and institutions specialising in supporting employees in their professional projects for years, by setting up training courses aimed at professional retraining in our technical trades.

Ongoing mobility opportunities

For all types of mobility, the Defontaine Group’s position and transparency offers each of its employees opportunities to develop their careers based on the wide range of skills present in the company, the opportunity to enter new sectors of activity and the chance to develop at an international level.

employé defontaine en polo vert exposant une pièce

Diversity of our business activities

Our leading position in several cutting-edge markets allows us to offer a wide range of complementary jobs. The diversity of our business activities provides opportunities for integration and a gateway to progress within the Defontaine Group, for all training backgrounds.

The company has always specialised in machining and forging: turning-milling, cutting, drilling, etc. These activities are all the more technical as they must meet both the mechanical requirements (control of heat treatment and grinding) and all the quality requirements of our customers (non-destructive testing, test laboratory, etc.).

We promote the expertise of our research and development, design office and our methods department engineers, to model, design and industrialise our parts. The durability of our machinery is ensured by the maintenance department dedicated to production. The design and production engineering office ensures the integration and monitoring of our technical investments. The expertise of this division guarantees our high level of competitiveness.

The strength of the Defontaine Group lies in our organisation, where the sales, purchasing and supply chain functions are integrated within each production department, in order to buy, sell and organise our flow in line with the needs of our internal and external customers.

In order to structure all of these functions, the human resources, safety, finance and internal occupational health departments provide daily support to our organisation.

The Defontaine Group focuses on the environmental and social challenges of the future

The group is a key player in sustainable development and is well aware of the challenges involved. Our various certifications (ISO 14001, ISO 45001) demonstrate our commitment to environmental protection and improving energy efficiency.

Would you like to join our team?

In conformity with the legal and regulatory provisions in force, Defontaine SAS has calculated its Professional Equality Index for 2023. The index stands at 69 points. Defontaine SAS is pursuing its commitments and actions to advance equality between men and women and is in the process of defining its objectives for 2024.

The overall score is derived from the scores of all the indicators in this index:

  • Gender pay gap: 34/40
  • Gap in the rate of individual increases between men and women: 10/20
  • Gap in promotion rates between men and women: 15/15
  • Individual increases for women after maternity leave: not concerned
  • Number of employees of the under-represented gender among the 10 + earners: 0/10
Pictogramme index professionnel