Slewing rings for wind propulsion

With Rollix, the future is already here, helping to decarbonise maritime transport.
Today, maritime transport accounts for 3% of global gas emissions. The International Maritime Organisation’s targets for GHG emissions from maritime transport are :
-20% by 2030 compared with 2008
-70% by 2040
0% by 2050
Existing solutions to achieve this include new fuels and marine propulsion.
The use of sail propulsion solutions – whether rigid or semi-rigid wings, kites or rotors, with a suction, thin or thick profile – as a complement to a main engine can take the pressure off our planet. But all kite solutions need to be guided. That’s where Rollix comes in!
We design, manufacture and provide slewing rings for rigid/semi-rigid wings with a suction profile.
The slewing ring plays a major role in the orientation of the wing to optimize wind grip and propel the boat. Therefore, the slewing ring is one of the key elements! Without it, there can be no propulsion.
Thanks to our expertise in wind energy and in the maritime environment, Rollix can equip all types of vessels, from yachts to container ships.
And of course, the slewing ring is 100% tailored to the customer’s needs.
For more information on our activities in the marine sector.
Discover a Rollix wind propulsion use case.
26 September 2023